Retail Industry Fundamentals Certificate

NRF Foundation RISE Up Retail Industry Fundamentals Specialist.

Preparing Your Students for Jobs that are in High Demand 

The retail industry is America’s largest private-sector employer, supporting 55 million first jobs, next chances and lifelong careers to people in every community. Our industry-recognized curriculum and exams build workplace readiness through training resources loaded with real-world examples and engaging, media-rich activities. 

The NRF Foundation RISE Up Retail Industry Fundamentals certificate is an introductory course for students developing workplace readiness skills for a first job or reentering the workforce.

Developed in collaboration with over 30 retailers, the curriculum helps your students land high-demand jobs and get promoted in the retail industry and beyond. Earning the Retail Industry Fundamentals certificate validates their knowledge and skills to employers and builds workplace-readiness.

Through RISE Up’s Retail Industry Fundamentals training, students will develop basic employability and workplace skills, including

  • Identifying the economic impact of the retail industry
  • Recognizing the retail cycle; Developing basic customer service and math skills to conduct sales transactions
  • Learning technology tools used in retail; Practicing interview skills
NRF Foundation RISE Up: Course Slide Decks; Case Studies; Curicula, Exams, and Textbooks; Supplemental Activities; Instructor’s Manuals.

The NRF Foundation supports teachers, administrators, and mentors to successfully deliver RISE Up materials and guide students in developing their skills, providing

  • Course Textbook: Core content, activities, and check-point test questions.
  • Instructor Training: Guides on subject matter, methodology, and course management.
  • Powerpoint Presentation: Course delivery supplement.
  • Career Chart: Visualization to guide students' career journeys based on their skills and interests.
RISE Up Retail Industry Fundamentals

Give your students skills and certification for a life-changing career

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NRF Foundation RISE Up Retail Industry Fundamentals. 92% agree a RISE Up credential gives them more career options.

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